Betta Fish
Tank mates do not always mean comparing whether one type of fish can live with another. In a lot of circumstances, tank mates can be ...
Betta fish are undoubtedly one of the most popular tropical fish within our hobby, boasting incredible coloration and stunning patterns displayed on the many different types ...
Infusoria is a brilliant food for your baby fish upon being birthed. It is a collective term used for microscopic aquatic organisms that typically reside ...
Betta fish can live in cold water, however, they are tropical fish that require warm water temperatures, therefore, it is not a good idea to ...
Betta fish do have teeth, but you can only see them if you were to use a magnifying glass or look close enough. Betta fish ...
Yes, betta fish certainly have the capability to change color, and it doesn't necessarily mean that they are unwell although that could be one reason. ...
Betta fish are majestic and beautiful fish that can encapsulate an audience for hours on end by simply moving slowly around an aquarium. Their coloration ...
Yes, betta fish and guppies can certainly live with one another in the same aquarium, provided the correct precautions are in order due to both ...
Betta fish are a truly captivating fish, known for their array of vivid colors, and incredibly unique bodies, which is why they are perhaps one ...
Both Goldfish and Betta fish are probably the most popular two fish in the hobby of fishkeeping, and for good reason too. Not only are ...
Betta fish are beautiful, fascinating, and somewhat of an accessory to many people. Due to their appearance, and abundance of different types they have become ...
It is no secret that betta fish are one of, if not the most in demand fish to grace the popular hobby of aquarium fishkeeping, ...
Betta fish, also known as siamese or Japanese fighting fish are well known for being ferocious fighters and having a rather aggressive tendancies. Unfortunately, this ...
Sometimes known as Japanese or Siamese fighting fish, bettas are beautiful, vibrant fish. They are often seen in smaller individual tanks due to the fact ...
Betta fish are pretty popular among aquarium lovers worldwide. These beautiful fish are super colorful and will add lots of life to your fish tank.In ...