Fish Keeping Guides
When acquiring a new fish, whether you are new to the hobby or a seasoned veteran - knowing how to set up your aquarium correctly ...
When it comes to pufferfish, most people only think about the many different saltwater species. However, you may not know that there are tons of ...
Fish use many different survival techniques in the wild, which usually carry over in captivity.For example, there are many fish that have symbolic relationships with ...
Our love for Banggai cardinalfish is almost unconditional at this point - not only are these little beauties easy and an absolute joy to care ...
Saltwater fish do not get more popular than the infamous blue tang. Gaining much of their notoriety from the Finding Nemo series, blue tangs, or ...
For many people, not just fishkeeping enthusiasts, sharks are fascinating. As humans seem to have the preconceived idea that they are these bloodthirsty, menacing creatures ...
The Firefish goby is a truly beautiful and eye-catching fish, and they have been soaring in popularity with saltwater hobbyists over the past several years, ...
As a saltwater aquarium owner, you are most likely a fan of beautiful, unique, and colorful fish, which can only be unlocked through owning saltwater ...
Both clownfish and royal gramma fish are some of the most popular fish in the entire hobby, not just the saltwater side of things. They ...
For many fish owners, keeping a 180 gallon (681 liters) tank is out of the question, due to the sheer size and weight of the ...
If you are a beginner hobbyist looking for suitable fish for your first saltwater aquarium then you must ensure that they are hardy. As a ...
It is no secret that with saltwater fish tanks, the larger in size, the better. This is due to your stocking options expanding with the ...
If you have acquired, or are at least in the market for a 125-gallon (473 liters) saltwater aquarium, be prepared for a magical experience.These fish ...
Both freshwater angelfish and neon tetras are incredibly popular and fun freshwater fish to keep. Due to both species being hardy, they are a great ...
Keeping a 100 gallon (378 liters) fish tank is not a luxury most fishkeepers have due to the sheer size and weight of the tank ...
Neon tetras are popular freshwater fish that are perfect for beginner hobbyists with little to no experience. They are small, peaceful, and not to mention ...
90 gallon (341 liters) aquariums are a brilliant tank size for hosting a plethora of amazing and varied saltwater fish.Despite being large in size, these ...
When it comes to saltwater fish tanks, the larger the better because your stocking options begin to expand and multiply the larger you go, allowing ...
Lionfish have always been a hot topic of conversation amongst hobbyists and those interested in marine life. Their appearance is unusual, to say the least, ...
65 gallon (246 liters) tanks are a somewhat overlooked aquarium size, especially when saltwater fish are concerned. However, they are perfectly suited to many hobbyists ...
As somebody who keeps fish as their hobby, you will at some point, and probably quite often, experience high ammonia levels in your aquarium, which ...
55 gallon (208 liters) fish tanks are one of the most popular sized aquariums in the hobby for an abundance of reasons. The main ones ...
40 gallon saltwater fish tanks are one of the most popular and best sizes for an aquarium, they are not too big, nor are they ...
Lionfish are truly remarkable fish, perfect for hobbyists seeking a challenge, and looking to escape their comfort zone when it comes to fish keeping. I ...
There are many differences between both species of cichlid, with the most obvious one being that African cichlids reside in the three great lakes of ...
Shrimps are always a good addition to aquariums as they add a different dimension to the activities you see within your tank and will also ...
Infusoria is a brilliant food for your baby fish upon being birthed. It is a collective term used for microscopic aquatic organisms that typically reside ...
Freshwater angelfish are some of the most beautiful and visually striking freshwater fish in the world, making them a popular choice for aquariums. Although angelfish ...
When you are looking for the perfect fish to join your community, a brilliant option would be the Clown Tang, which also goes by the ...
When it comes to saltwater aquariums, Yellow Tangs are by far one of the most popular fish to grace the hobby. They are brightly colored, ...
Despite not relying solely on water to breathe, turtles cannot live without water for long. However, the specific time in which your turtle can survive ...
Yes, unfortunately, pet turtles can drown, but it does not commonly happen. A typical reason for your pet turtle drowning could be if they get ...
Turtles certainly do eat goldfish, and pretty much any other slow-moving fish that is small enough to fit in their mouths. They are omnivores, which ...
Both aquatic turtles and fish are incredibly popular to keep, and of course, they can certainly live together. There are, however, some factors that come ...
If you have recently acquired, or are planning on owning a 30 gallon saltwater fish tank it makes sense to figure out what fish you ...
As far as aquarium sizes go, a 20 gallon (76 liters) fish tank is one of the smallest and is considered to be a nano-sized ...
Aquarium lighting, and in particular the blue light is much more significant than people are led to believe, providing more benefit than simply aesthetics. By ...
It is simply a given that any fish with the word "devil" in their name is going to be somewhat unique, to say the least. ...
Saltwater aquarium hobbyists are constantly looking to develop their tanks, adding new lifeforms in the way of fish, live rock, coral, and plants. Not only ...
As an owner of a saltwater aquarium, at one point or another, you will likely toy with the idea of introducing live rock and coral ...
If you are in possession, or considering acquiring a reef tank and are looking for fast-growing yet beautifully colored coral, then look no further than ...
10 gallon fish tanks are perhaps the most popular tank size in the hobby, with many amazing choices and variations out there. They are perfect ...
There are so many perks that come with being a hobbyist, perhaps feeding your fish, interacting with them on a more personal level, introducing new ...
A lot of conversations amongst fishkeeping enthusiasts arise regarding live rock. Common questions are constantly posed such as "what is coralline algae?", "How much do ...
One of the most common and popular tank sizes for hobbyists at any stage of their journey is the 10 gallon (38 liters) tank.People love ...
The bright yellow saltwater fish that goes by the name of Yellow Tang is quite possibly one of the most adored tropical fish species in ...
Green Star Polyp, or, commonly referred to as GSP coral, is a soft green coral that is considered by many to be a fantastic option ...
The Six Line Wrasse is a beautiful, vibrant, and exciting marine fish to have in any saltwater aquarium.Unfortunately, they have a dark side. Whilst they ...
If you are just starting out in the aquarist game, or even considering becoming a hobbyist and reef aquarium owner there are several considerations that ...
Many fish enthusiasts have been drawn to the unique and exciting lionfish, and there are many reasons as to why.Their body shape is unusual, their ...
As a hobbyist, there is nothing more unique than owning a Lionfish. Their mystical appearance and quirky personality are truly remarkable.Typically, Lionfish take up a ...
As you progress through your journey of fishkeeping there are some inevitabilities you will encounter. They can be anything from aquarium fish diseases, unexpected hitchhikers, ...
Lionfish are fascinating fish and have been a massive part of the fishkeeping hobby for a number of years. They are carnivorous fish that are ...
Algae growth in your aquarium is all but inevitable and will happen at some stage in your hobbyist journey, probably multiple times too! Some algae ...
If you own a freshwater fish tank and are noticing algae outbreaks, it may be a good idea to turn your attention to the Siamese ...
It is an inevitability at some point in your hobbyist journey that your aquarium will be covered with unattractive green algae (unless you are extremely ...
Most hobbyists at one stage or another come across an alga invasion within their aquarium. The key thing when you discover the green stains and ...
For any hobbyist, feeding your established community of aquarium fish is one of the most enjoyable activities you can do. When you are feeding your ...
Blastomussa Coral is one of the most popular corals in the hobby today, and is fantastic for beginners, despite being an LPS (Large Polyp Stony) ...
It’s always a scary moment for a hobbyist when a random hitchhiker is discovered residing in your aquarium and within your community with no invitation.Questions ...
First of all, when identifying critters who make rockstar tank appearances when you least expect it, it is hugely important to gauge whether or not ...
Discovering unwanted critters in your tank is an alarming but all too common feeling for hobbyists, especially those with matured and established aquariums. Usually, hitchhikers ...
The Anemone Shrimp or as many people like to call it, the Sexy Shrimp is an awesome little critter, considered by many to be the ...
Shrimp are one of the most underused and underrated animals when it comes to aquariums, which is strange considering how fun and entertaining they are, ...
Discovering something in your aquarium that you perhaps didn't introduce or even know about is a strange experience. Fortunately, or unfortunately - whichever way you ...
When it comes to unexpected critters appearing within your community it's usually a coin toss as to whether they will bring benefit to your tank ...
Encountering unexpected guests in your home aquarium is pretty much inevitable, but don't be in a rush to remove them! This is because some of the ...
One of the first and main recommendations, when you begin your journey through fishkeeping, is to gather and establish a Clean-Up Crew for your aquarium.The ...
The Redfin Waspfish (Latin: Paracentropogon rubripinnis) is certainly one of the most unusual fish species to grace our fish tanks. Other known names are Redfin ...
Despite being constantly referred to as the Scooter Blenny, the Synchirous Stellatus is actually, in fact, a member of the Dragonet family not the Bleniidae ...
Perhaps one of the biggest misconceptions when it comes to owning fish, starting a community, and managing a vibrant aquarium is that most colorful fish ...
The Orchid Dottyback is perhaps the most visibly stunning saltwater fish that has found its way into hobbyist’s aquariums. The fish goes by several different ...
So, you have just purchased some awesome new fish for your already established tank and subsequent fish community, but these fish are used to different ...
The Cleaner Wrasse, or otherwise known as the Labroides dimidiatus (scientific name) is another awesome addition to the Wrasse fish species, there are several different ...
Most hobbyists enjoy the process of building and adding to their aquariums for a multitude different, and valid, reasons, with perhaps one of the most ...
Being a hobbyist certainly comes with many benefits. You get to witness your community of fish grow and flourish in front of your very own ...
Sailfin Tangs are quite possibly the most unique and awesome-looking fish you could introduce to your saltwater aquarium. Not only are they coated in incredibly ...
Stomatella Varia is the scientific name given to these Critters. Before we dig in and explain the benefits and attributes that these snails bring to ...
The unique and colorful six-line wrasse is one of the most popular reef safe fish in the hobby, and for good reason too. They go ...
First off, any unexpected tank inhabitant never really tends to be a good thing, especially when you don't know what they are and how much ...
The Midas Blenny is a beautiful and unique saltwater fish and tropical fish, hailing from the Indo-Pacific reefs, they will bring plenty of life and ...
It is no secret that Angelfish are one of the most popular fish to occupy home aquariums.People love them for numerous reasons, with the more ...
The Pajama Cardinal truly is a special fish, originating from the Coral Sea in the Indo-Pacific, and only found in areas surrounding Northern Australia, Papua ...
As an aquarium owner, having the right tank is hugely important when building a fish community. Something that is equally as important as having the ...
Starfish are always a brilliant addition to your aquarium; however, you should not just simply buy a starfish without being experienced, and without possessing the ...
Most people who decide to begin their journey into fish owning do so for an abundance of reasons, with many people deciding to collect fish ...
Having pretty fish in your aquarium is fun, but do you know what makes owning fish even more fun? That’s right - adding a little ...
Ghost shrimp are perhaps one of the most unique aquatic creatures to add to your home aquarium. They have completely transparent bodies, making them almost ...
Aquarium snails can be a great addition to your tank. They help to control algae and keep your tank clean. However, after a while, you ...
If you are looking for a new aquarium to set up, you might consider a blackwater aquarium. Whilst this title might not give away much ...
If you’re on the hunt for a plant to provide some beauty and a touch of sophistication to your fish tank, there are few options ...
The Golden Algae Eater is a suckermouth catfish from the Chinese Algae Eater family, also known by the latin name Gyrinocheilus aymonieri. Not only are ...
When life gets you down, you know why you’ve got to do? Keep swimming - Finding Dory Thanks to Pixar and their films that celebrated life ...
If you’ve ever had the opportunity to interact with a stingray in an aquarium, it’s no mystery why these are such desired pets. Their charm ...
If your fish has become very sick or badly injured to the point where its passing seems inevitable, you may be wondering whether there is ...
There is no denying it: freshwater catfish are and always will be popular among fish enthusiasts. They are diverse and interesting bottom feeders that make ...
You might be wondering what Polychaete actually means, and if you didn’t already know, it is a family of worms. There are around 8000 different ...
An Isopod is a type of crustacean that is most commonly located in shallow marine locations, and there are actually more than 5000 species of ...
If you are thinking of getting a lionfish, then you might be wondering exactly how to take care of one. It is important to learn ...
There are a bunch of unique and wonderful creatures in the ocean, but have you ever heard about the mystery snail? These little guys are ...
Backyard ponds can serve as an amazing centerpiece and talking point at your next garden party. You can fill them with plenty of colorful fish ...
When caring for our home aquarium, there are certain pests that you never want to find crawling among the rocks and corals of your tank ...
Nerite snails are a great addition to your aquarium because they look great, and they keep the tank clean. A pet that cleans up after ...
There are an abundance of interesting and unique fish that you can keep in your home aquarium, from large bottom feeders, to beautiful betta fish ...
One species that catches the eyes of many people in a local fish store is freshwater sharks. While they sound quite terrifying, they are not. ...
Electric blue crayfish are becoming an incredibly popular freshwater or brackish water tank mate to many fish and other marine life. They certainly live up ...
The Cirratulid is a name given to the family of marine worms known as the Cirratulidae. They are a group of polychaete worms (also known ...
Asterina is a genus of the Starfish family. It belongs to the Asteroidean family within the larger group of the Asterinidae. As the name suggests, ...